

a language extension library

ocelot is a collection of libraries to provide features that the C language lacks, various data structures that most programs use in common, and facilities for interaction between a program and its environment.

This package collects libraries into three categories called cbl, cdsl and cel. Libraries belonging to cbl(C basic library) provide features that the the language lacks and include alternative memory allocators and an exception handling facility. Those to cdsl(C data structure library) implement various data structures frequently used by most programs. Those to cel(C environment library) aid interaction with the execution environment.

The src directory contains sub-directories cbl, cdsl and cel for the libraries of each category:

  • cbl: C basic library
    • arena.h/c: arena library (lifetime-based memory allocator)
    • assert.h/c: assertion library
    • except.h/c: exception library
    • memory.h/c: memory library (for production)
    • memory.h/memoryd.c: memory library (for debugging)
    • text.h/c: text library (high-level string manipulation)
  • cdsl: C data structure library
    • bitv.h/c: bit-vector library
    • dlist.h/c: doubly-linked list library
    • dwa.h/c: double-word arithmetic library
    • hash.h/c: hash library
    • list.h/c: list library (singly-linked list)
    • set.h/c: set library
    • stack.h/c: stack library
    • table.h/c: table library
  • cel: C environment library
    • conf.h/c: configuration library (configuration file parser)
    • opt.h/c: option library (option parser)

Libraries had been documented with doxygen, and changed to use markdown for easier maintenance and access. The doc directory contains documentation for them.

As of the 0.4.0 release which breaks backward compatibility, the soname has been adjusted from 1.x to 0.x in order to match the release version.

How to install

Refer to for an installation guide.


You can always get the latest version from


ocelot had used Mercurial (which is also and commonly called hg) as its repository, and moved into git to be published on github. You can browse the repository through the web, or clone it as follows:

git clone

If you want to contribute to the project, simply fork it and send me pull requests.

Recent commits are:

and more.

Issue tracker

ocelot employed github for its issue tracker. If you'd like to file a bug or ask a question, do not hesitate to post a new issue; a self-describing title or a short text to deliver your idea would be enough. Even if issues I have posted are all written in English, nothing keeps you from posting in Korean.

Open issues are:

License describes the license imposed on users of ocelot.